


庆祝合作:学生和教师一起工作展示和庆祝澳门葡京博彩软件学生跨学科的学术工作. 从数据科学到艺术, 从历史到化学, 学生们展示他们顶点课程的成果, 荣誉论文, 特殊的研究, 研究项目, 以及其他作为演讲一部分的创造性工作, 海报会议, 展品, 和表演. 

第23届年度庆祝合作活动举行 2024年4月19日,星期五下午 在澳门葡京博彩软件校园的不同地点. 这一活动恰逢面向录取学生的开放校园.


从海报到演讲, 教师和学生之间的合作工作可供您探索. 钻研任何能激发你兴趣的话题. 



泰勒·昂25岁, 菲达·巴金27年, 劳拉·爱德华兹25岁, 凯拉·弗雷泽24届, Laisha Koon Perez, 26岁, 克莱尔·林奇24岁, 艾玛·纳多26:0
ParKit: Pedaling Parks to People; poster session deriving from AEMES research and 步 with Reid Bertone-Johnson, 景观研究讲师, 埃里克·詹森, 设计中心主任 & 制作,戴尔·伦弗洛,设计中心的讲师 & 制造部,安德鲁·帕尔莫,木工车间主管.



Jessica Feng’24::1
Effects of Ear Canal Geometry on Wideband Acoustic Immittance Measurements; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Susan Voss, 工程学教授, 埃里克·詹森, 设计与制造中心主任.

Karina Padilla '26, Brooke Testa '26: 3
Presence of Microplastics Impacts Viral Uptake by Zooplanktons; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and SURF with Niveen Ismail, 工程副教授.

Anatomy of the East Side Coastal Resilience Project; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and capstone project with Reid Bertone-Johnson, 景观研究讲师.

Nermine Mokdad '25:: 5
澳门葡京博彩软件 Critical Root Zones Map; poster session deriving from SURF with Reid Bertone-Johnson, 景观研究讲师, 还有加比·伊默曼, 植物园的体验式学习专家和生物科学高级实验室讲师.

Small-Scale Mechanical Recycling Feasibility for a Textile Circular Economy; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, 步, 和Borjana Mikic一起完成荣誉论文, 工程学教授.

Recycling Single-Use Plastics for Local Makers; poster session deriving from AEMES research, 特殊的研究, 和艾米丽·诺顿一起跨步, 设计思维计划的主任, 凯西郭, 原型工作室经理, 埃里克·詹森, 设计与制造中心主任.

Roommate Composition and Division of Labor; poster session deriving from classwork and 特殊的研究 with Randi Garcia, 心理学、统计学和数据科学副教授. 

经典, 社区参与, 计算机科学, 地球科学, 历史, 数学科学, 音乐, 心理学


Park in Progress; poster session deriving from 步 with Rebecca Worsham, 古典语言文学助理教授.

Active Geolocation through RIPE NCC Anchor Pinging; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 步 with Shinyoung Cho, 计算机科学助理教授.

Impact of AnyKey’s GLHF Pledge Campaign on Realizing Inclusive Online Gaming Communities; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Johanna Brewer, 计算机科学助理教授.

社区, 自治, and the Arts: A Kyoto College Dorm at the Intersection of 表演 and Protest; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Junko Oba, 汉普郡学院音乐副教授.

玛德琳·哈尔珀林[j]:: 16
Medieval Jihad Discourse: Analysis of Ibn al-Nahhas's "Mashari al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq" or مشارع الاشواق الى مصارع العشاق and Impact on 20th-Century Political Thought; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Joshua Birk, 历史学副教授.

远程办公, Childcare and 心理学; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Randi Garcia, 心理学、统计学和数据科学副教授.

索菲亚·伊士曼,26岁, 伊兹·福特24岁, 泰勒·阿吉纳26岁, 尤娜·丰特26岁, Cleo Waxman-Lee, 27岁, 佐伊·汗27::20
Status of 澳门葡京博彩软件's Food Rescue Network; poster session deriving from Jandon Center work with 秋天Guntor, 隶属于詹登社区参与中心.

Kira Seshaiah ' 25:22
Turbo Tracks: Movement of Sperm Through Viscoelastic Solutions; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Becca Thomases, 数学科学教授.

Operations on Sl_n webs; poster session deriving from 步 with Julianna Tymoczko, 数学科学教授.

An Abridged 历史 of Gleaning: Transitioning to Modern Times; poster session deriving from 步 with 秋天Guntor, 隶属于詹登社区参与中心, 还有玛德琳·德尔维卡里奥, 詹登社区参与中心的体验式学习协调员.

The Christianization of Paganism: A Study of Ancient Irish Religious Sites and How They were Repurposed for Christian Worship; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Joshua Birk, 历史学副教授.

Geochemistry of Vernal pools at MacLeish Field Station; poster session deriving from 步 with Amy Rhodes, 地球科学教授, 和马克·安德森, 克拉克科学中心水生物地球化学研究中心主任.



沙利尼·塞蒂'26,伊莱·赫茨勒-麦凯恩'25,阿什莉·洛佩兹' 27,30
Trauma-Informed Coaching in Collegiate 体育运动: Next Steps; poster session deriving from AEMES research and 步 with Erica Tibbetts, 运动与运动研究讲师, Kelsey猎人, 公平运动助理主管, 包容, 以及学生运动员的福利, 和凯尔西·康拉德, 运动与运动研究讲师.

这里越来越热了:第一季和第二季的潮热和睡眠障碍分析. Second Half of the Night; poster session deriving from 步 with Sarah Witkowski, 运动与运动研究副教授.

Tori Shamlian '24:: 32
The Relationship Between Stress and Menstrual Cycle Status in Premenopausal Women; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Sarah Witkowski, 运动与运动研究副教授.

安珀·兰提瓜25岁, 奥古斯汀娜·阿拉帕,26岁, 埃莉诺·高,27岁, Isha Sultan '27, Vaishnavi Cherukupalli '25:: 33
Race and Ethnicity Arterial Stiffness Assessment Study; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Sarah Witkowski, 运动与运动研究副教授.

Extracellular Microvesicle Populations and Menopausal Hot Flashes: What We Can Learn About the Effects of Exercise on Menopausal Hot Flash Experiences and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Through Endothelial Extracellular Microvesicles; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Sarah Witkowski, 运动与运动研究副教授.

社区参与 & 社会变革


Marwa Anchassi 25J, Malika Gottfried '25:: 36
首页 Away From 首页: Exploring Palestinian Culinary Heritage and Identity; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Visual Thinking Strategies: a Creative Approach to Enhancing Social Emotional Learning and Multicultural Education; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Supporting Emerging Adolescence: Addressing Post-Pandemic Mental 健康 in 6-8th Grade Classrooms; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Combatting Transphobia through Allyship; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

The Impact of the Pay-to-Play Model on Youth Sports Participation; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Western Mass Makerspaces as Key Nodes in Closed-Loop Recycling Systems; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Involve 澳门葡京博彩软件 学生 in Criminal Justice Reform; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.

Sa ' mya Wilson ' 24, Cailin Young ' 24: 43
Harm Reduction; poster deriving from community engagement & Denys Candy的社会变革集中项目, 詹登社区参与中心主任.



Gracia Bareti '24, Jourbienthia Paul '25, Jacy Landi '25, 木山理子,26岁: 48
值得吗??: Student Perceptions of Group Work in STEM 课程; poster session deriving from MARS with Shannon Audley, 教育与儿童研究副教授, 还有克里斯托夫, 数学科学教授.

Student Perceptions of Flipped Classrooms in STEM; poster session deriving from MARS with Shannon Audley, 教育与儿童研究副教授, 还有克里斯托夫, 数学科学教授.

Maryam Ahmad '25, Annie Enkhlen Chimgee '25, Diya Seth ' 24:50
Artful Theorizing of Teachers' Pedagogies and Young Multilingual Children's Learning; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and HSS lab with Cristina Valencia Mazzanti, 教育与儿童研究助理教授. 

是敌是友? Describing the Symbiotic Relationship Between a Novel Flagellate Living Within Testate Amoebae (Order Arcellinida); poster session deriving from Beckman scholarship with Laura Katz, 生物科学教授.



Zoe Roumeliotis的24::56
Measuring Disk Dust Masses of Substellar Objects using ALMA and LMT; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kimberly Ward-Duong, 天文学助理教授.

Accretion in Low-Mass Stars With Transitional Disk; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and SURF with Kimberly Ward-Duong, 天文学助理教授.

Development of Simulation Software to Inform Exoplanet Direct Imaging with MIRI; poster session deriving from SURF and research assistantship with Kimberly Ward-Duong, 天文学助理教授.

Calibrating Coronagraphic Spectroscopy on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS); poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kimberly Ward-Duong, 天文学助理教授.



Maeve Kearns-Stanley '24, lyyangyang '25, Angela Zhang '26: 85
Transitional Metal Catalyzed Synthesis of Oxazoles from Benzyl Ketones; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Alexandra Strom, 化学助理教授.

陈万斌,24岁, 布里安娜·斯普拉格25岁, Katie Shapland, 25岁, Christine Wu, 24岁, 伊丽莎白·法雷尔,25岁, 26 .艾玛·斯托金, 米兰达·奥克斯,26岁, 吉娜·李26:86
Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative α-Functionalization Reactions to Form Naphthalene Moieties; poster session deriving from AEMES research and 特殊的研究 with Alexandra Strom, 化学助理教授.

The Impact of pH on the Metabolome of an Antarctic strain of Arthrobacter; poster session deriving from 步 with Lesley-Ann Giddings, 化学助理教授, 和Robert Samples, 生物科学质谱技术总监.

Pauline Baranger-Hartwig, 26岁, 木山理子,26岁, 桑德拉·康斯坦蒂诺,26岁, 25年的艾瑞亚·哈利克, 克莱尔·哈内德[27:91]
Exploration of Dyella terrae for Bioremediation of Copper Rich Environments; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Lesley-Ann Giddings, 化学助理教授, 和Robert Samples, 生物科学质谱技术总监.

Isa Pereira-Tosado '25, Jourbienthia Paul '25: 92
探讨大肠杆菌基因表达的变异.coli; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Christine White-Ziegler, 生物科学教授.

塞布丽娜·威尔克,25岁, 安妮·徐25岁, 莉莉·米尔斯海默,25岁, 妮可·施27岁, 索菲娅·刘27岁, 《伊斯兰教法》24::93
流星的作用特征 & Meteorin-like in Early CNS Development of Danio rerio; poster session deriving from AEMES research, 特殊的研究, 还有迈克尔·巴雷西的步, 生物科学教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

Nicole Capozzi, 24岁:: 94
Notions of the Ocean: Molecular Techniques for Characterizing the Biodiversity and Function of Marine Microbial Eukaryotes at Different Ocean Depths; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Laura Katz,  生物科学教授.

玛丽·安·马丁内斯·莫利纳AC '24,朱莉娅·帕德罗'24:96
Temperature Regulates Biofilm Formation and Gene Expression in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Christine White-Ziegler, 生物科学教授.

Lily Weber '25, Sarah Thieler '26, Carly Aitken '26: 97
入侵蟹类, 血血半金蝇和癌蝇, 具有不同的化学特征?; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, 步 with L. 大卫·澳门葡京博彩软件,生物科学教授, 和Robert Samples, 生物科学质谱技术总监.

Sarah Thieler '26, Lily Weber '25, Maya 更多的no '25: 98
Exploring Limb Regeneration Capability of Two Invasive Crabs: 血血半金蝇和癌蝇; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and步 with L. 大卫·澳门葡京博彩软件,生物科学教授.

Alexi Malecki '24:: 99
Antarctica Foraminifera Biodiversity in an Evolving Climate; poster session deriving from SURF and 荣誉论文 with Laura Katz,  生物科学教授.

宋瑞怡’25,Mercer T. 克里斯24岁,克莱尔N. Woppmann '24, Aislínn E. Lavery '26, Mekhala C. 《澳门葡京博彩软件》,迪莉娅·N. Parco '27, Ananda B. Corum '27: 100
Glowing and Growing: Characterizing the role of Bioelectric Patterning During Zebrafish Embryogenesis; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, 步, 和迈克尔·巴雷西一起冲浪, 生物科学教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

不同生长培养基对尿源性大肠杆菌的影响. coli Biofilm Formation; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Christine White-Ziegler, 生物科学教授.

城市林业史:成功案例, 失败, 科学, the Future; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Jess Gersony, 生物科学助理教授. 

Zabreya Okyere'26, Adline Dely'26, Cynthia Hudson '27, Suzie aguijo '27: 103
昆虫群落组成作为生境质量的指标昆虫群落组成是生境质量的指标吗?); poster session deriving from AEMES research with Mariana Abarca, 生物科学助理教授.

Arginine Vasotocin Influences Androgenic Effects on  Multimodal Communication in Foot-Flagging Frogs; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Lisa Mangiamele, 生物科学副教授.

Sophia Kurtz '24, Hildana Shiferaw '25, Valeria Bastardo Brito '25: 105
Bats Acquire Strict Vampirism Through Adaptive Gene Losses: A Comparative Genomic Study of Desmodus rotundus and Diphylla ecaudata; poster session deriving from classwork with Tanya Lama, 生物科学助理教授.

EPEC's Ability to Form Biofilms in Different Temperature and Media; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Christine White-Ziegler, 生物科学教授.

Mercer Kriese '24:: 107
Characterizing Calcium Glow for the Flow of Cranial Neural Crest Cells During Zebrafish Embryogenesis; poster session deriving from SURF and 荣誉论文 with Michael Barresi, 生物科学教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

Alzheimer's Grant; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Mary Harrington, 神经科学教授, 聂震, 心理学研究助理.

Liver Response to Light; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Mary Harrington, 神经科学教授, 聂震, 神经科学研究助理.

Perceived Burdensomeness Moderates the Relationship between Interoceptive Trust and Dietary Restraint; poster session deriving from summer research with Dorian Dodd, 桑福德健康中心的助理科学家, 还有艾米丽·皮茨基, 北卡罗来纳大学医学院精神病学临床副教授.

Effect of Adenosine A2A Antagonist SCH58261 on Hemorrhagic Stroke in Danio rerio; poster session deriving from classwork with 纳帕沙克, 神经科学实验室讲师, 还有莎伦·奥威诺, 神经科学实验室讲师.

A Pre-registered Analysis of MID Tasks and Perception of Substance Use in Early Adolescence from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study; poster session deriving from classwork with Catherine Mikkelsen, 神经科学博士后.

The Role of GPR37 In Late Stage Maturation of Hippocampal Granule Cell Neurons; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Sharon Owino, 神经科学助理教授, 以及玛丽拉·努涅斯·桑托斯, 神经科学博士后.

Assessing Creativity in Children Who Have Faced Material Deprivation and Poverty; poster session deriving from AEMES research and 特殊的研究 with Maya Rosen, 神经科学助理教授. 

26岁的Ava Linas, 27岁的Li Le Kaplow, 27岁的Liyana Asaria-Issa
Building the Brain: Neurogenesis and Axonal Wiring in the Forebrain; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 还有迈克尔·巴雷西的步, 生物科学教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

The Impact of New York City 社区 Schools on School Violence and Public Safety; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Mariyana Zapryanova, 经济学助理教授.

Grace Huang '24, 赖米·刘24岁, Lala Rukh '25: 119
Energy Usage and Climate Change in South Africa; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and research assistantship with Vis Taraz, 经济学副教授.



Elm Markert '25, Christy Yang '25: 1 
Environmental Barriers in 就业 for Disabled People: A Statistical Analysis; poster session deriving from student research assistantship with Shiya Cao, 大众互助统计与数据科学助理教授.

作为医学, As Pigment: The Dual Life of Mineral Simples; poster session deriving from research assistantship with Brigitte Buettner, 艺术教授.

Elizabeth Helm '24, Olga Kazarov '25: 6
Development of Political Views and Performative Activism: A Case Study at Smith; poster session deriving from classwork and 特殊的研究 with Lauren Duncan, 心理学教授.

杰西周'26,Artemis Sibel Kehribar '25:: 7 
Blind Juror Project Continuation; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Yael Granot, 心理学助理教授.

Nicole Reardon’24,Tulip Daaboul’24,River Moss’24
Negotiation Processes for Household Labor and Effects of Gender and Sexuality; poster session deriving from classwork and 特殊的研究 with Randi L. 加西亚,统计和数据科学副教授.

人类学, 天文学, 计算机科学, 经济学, 运动及体育研究, 地球科学, 景观研究, 数学科学 


Gabi Dondes '26, Emilia Neyer '26: 11
The Bell Jars: A 步 Scholar's Exploration of Sylvia Plath's Life; poster session deriving from 步 with Colin Hoag, 人类学助理教授.

Ana psamez [24:: 12
Mexico's Pueblos Mágicos Program and Economic Development; poster session deriving from classwork with Mesay Gebrasilasse, 经济学助理教授, 阿默斯特学院.

A Topological Data Analysis Approach to analyze Phyllotaxis; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 andSURF with Christophe Golé, 数学科学教授, 罗宾·贝尔顿, 数学科学博士后、讲师.

Creating a User-Friendly Experience in BloomingLeaf Goal Modeling Software; poster session deriving from 步 with Alicia M. Grubb说,他是计算机科学助理教授.

The Justification Effect on Two-Tier Multiple-Choice Exams; poster session deriving from SURF with Pablo Frank Bolton, 计算机科学讲师.

Online Expression and Youth Digital Rights: The Socio-Cultural Structure of Twitch and Identity Through Representation; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Johanna Brewer, 计算机科学助理教授.

Use Your Pixels Wisely by Laying Out with BloomingLeaf; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Alicia M. Grubb说,他是计算机科学助理教授.

泰勒·阿吉纳26岁, Yusra Afzal, 27岁, 佩特拉万岁, 阿丽娜·汗,26岁, 汉娜·奥斯曼,27岁 , 《澳门葡京博彩软件》[j]: 22
Climate in Arts and 历史: Promoting Climate Literacy Across Disciplines; poster session deriving from AEMES and 步 research with Bosiljka Glumac, 地球科学教授.

Simulating Pre-Eukaryotic Microbial Mat Structures; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with L. M. 沃德,实验室指导员和地球科学技术支持. 

The Impact of Low Energy Availability on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Female Athletes; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kelsey Conrad, 运动与运动研究讲师.

The Influence of Fatigue on Gait Stability in People with Multiple Sclerosis During a Prolonged Walking Bout; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Stephanie Jones, 运动与运动研究助理教授.

Mill River Flood 150: Mapping 历史 Through GIS; poster session deriving from AEMES research and 特殊的研究 with Reid Bertone-Johnson, 景观研究讲师. 

阿什利·梅西耶(Ashley Messier) 25:25:28
Brown Dwarf GJ 758B Direct Imaging: Spectral and Field Analysis; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kimberly Ward-Duong, 天文学助理教授.

Sydney Currie Wrye, 25岁, 莎拉·丹科维奇,25岁, 戴安娜·埃斯库德罗·拉米雷斯,27岁, 埃莉诺·加莱,26岁,  郭心云25岁, 艾米丽·琼斯26岁, 艾丽·克努森,27岁, 阿莱特·马修斯,26岁, 阿什·梅西耶,25岁, 贝卡·迈克尔森,25岁, 麦迪·米拉,27岁, Susan Niu 27岁, Zoe Roumeliotis, 24岁, 露西·威廉姆斯26岁, Marlena Word '26:: 29 
Exoplanet Transit Follow-up Observations; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 步 with James Lowenthal, 天文学教授.



Assessing the Impact of Parental Thermal Stress on Offspring 表演 in Baltimore Checkerspots; poster session deriving from SURF with Mariana Abarca, 生物科学助理教授.

Sexual recombination in Shell-Building Amoeba: Evidence of Meiosis in Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) During Encystment; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Laura Katz, 生物科学教授.

25岁的Tejasvi Kumaran, 27岁的Katie Lavrov, 24岁的Lorelei Ing
Combining Molecular and Microscopy Techniques to Document Unknown Foraminifera; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Laura Katz, 生物科学教授.

可视化表观遗传学:研究DNA甲基化模式的显微镜技术综述, 染色质结构, and Gene Expression; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Laura Katz,  生物科学教授, 和朱迪思·伍珀里斯, 生物科学实验室讲师.

Claudia Poehlmann '26, Negin Mansoori '26: 89
Fishbowls: Moving Humanities to 科学s; poster session deriving from SURF with Virginia Hayssen, 生物科学教授.

抑制蛇孔菌的新型二级化合物的鉴定.; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Jan Vriezen, 生物科学高级实验室讲师.

Mechanistic Study of the Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative α-Amination of Ketones; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 荣誉论文 with Alexandra Strom, 化学助理教授.

Assessing GPR37b-D2R Interactions in a Zebrafish Hemorrhagic Stroke Model; poster session deriving from classwork with 纳帕沙克, 神经科学实验室讲师, 还有莎伦·奥威诺, 神经科学助理教授.

Kris Cheaye '26, Anmol Kaur '26, Annabelle Li '26, Marielle Sauber '26: 93
Effects of Caffeine on Hemorrhagic Stroke Severity and GPR37-A2AR Interaction in a Zebrafish Model; poster session deriving from classwork with 纳帕沙克, 神经科学实验室讲师, 还有莎伦·奥威诺, 神经科学助理教授.

How a D2R Agonist Impacts GPR37 Expression and Infarct Size of ATV-induced Hemorrhagic Stroke in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Sharon Owino, 神经科学助理教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

Pre-Registered ABCD Research Study: Analyzing The Effect of Neighborhood Cohesion on Memory; poster session deriving from classwork with Catherine Mikkelsen, 神经科学博士后. 

萨拉·埃利斯24岁, Raj Jadhav '24, Haoran Duan '26, Emma Silvera '24, Jane Zhang '26: 96
Exploring the Impact of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) on Inhibition Control in Children; poster session deriving from classwork with Catherine Mikkelsen, 神经科学博士后. 

Dynamics and Regulatory Roles of GPR37 in Developing and Regenerating Retinal Müller Glia; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 荣誉论文 with Sharon Owino, 神经科学助理教授, 纳帕沙克, 神经科学实验室讲师, 还有迈克尔·巴雷西, 生物科学教授.

Medial Temporal Lobe Selective Neural Firing During A Declarative Memory Task; poster session deriving from classwork with Catherine Mikkelsen, 神经科学博士后.

24岁的Ruby Hernandez, 24岁的Abbey Lamb, 24岁的Morana Lundquist, 24岁的Erin Quick
Design of an Accessible Airplane Cabin for Neurodivergent Passengers; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Design of a Device to Facilitate Custom Delivery of a Two-Part Hydrogel Implant during Prostate Cancer Treatment; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Design of Ergonomic Improvements for Manufacturing Operations; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Rhiannon Bryk '24, Helena Grilliot '24, Dakota Law '24, Hadeel Shwwa '24: 102
Design of Nature-Based Solutions to Address Stormwater Water Quality in a Changing Climate – Rubber Thread Pond Case Study; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Janna Gilleman '24, Gemma Poulsen, 24岁, Alexis Reyes '24, Karen Shokobishi '24: 103
移动电话的设计, 自治, Electrical Vehicle Charging System; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Cyrine Ben Ayed '24, Nandini Chakravorty '24, Maryam Shad '25J: 104
Design of an IoT Application Framework for Satellite 服务; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Lu Brownstein '24, Hannah Kreutzer '24, Leah Marville '24, Rosemary Termini '24: 105
Design of a Decarbonization Strategic Plan for a Small University in New England; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

Design of an Economical Experimental Venturi Flow Meter System for Hydraulic Research; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师.

24届的Serena Geroe, 24届的Margot Hearne, 24届的Annie Portoghese, 24届的Natali Solis Gomez: 107
Design Improvements for the GEM Technology Component Tester; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 艾伦·鲁宾, 工程学讲师

Mothitor 4.0: Updated Design of a Moth Monitoring System; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, 工程高级讲师, 和玛丽安娜·阿巴尔卡, 生物科学助理教授.


Gillian Terry, 24岁, Nicole Capozzi, 24岁, 乔治亚·科茨24岁, 奥利维亚·希伯特,24岁, 阿拉娜·沃德,24岁, Gemma Poulsen, 24岁, Lexi Balam, 24岁, 安妮卡·哈迪,24岁, 赖米·刘24岁
Nationalism at 首页 and Abroad: Smith’s response to Fascism and Nazism during World War II; presentation deriving from classwork with Michele Monserrati, 德语和意大利语助理教授, 乔尔·韦斯特戴尔, 德语和意大利语副教授.


Graphing Smith's 历史; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Nanci Young, 大学档案.



比阿特丽斯·陶尔'27::126Draft Genome of Novel Phototrophic Chloroflexi; poster session deriving from 步 with L.M. 沃德,地球科学实验室讲师和技术支持. 

Chloe Jahncke '27:: 127
Draft Genome of a Novel Genus of Non-Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria; poster session deriving from 步 with L.M. 沃德,地球科学实验室讲师和技术支持. 

The Importance of Partial Ablation Transgenic Lines in Building the Forebrain; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Michael Barresi, 生物科学教授, 纳伦德拉·帕塔克, 神经科学实验室讲师.

Dimensionality Reduction in Biological Datasets; poster session deriving from research project with Halie Rando, 计算机科学助理教授. 

24届中川百合香,25届张飞然,25届宋苏菲,27届奥帕拉Chioma: 132
Building OCR to Recognize Greek Inscriptions; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Nicholas Howe, 计算机科学教授.

Andy Esseln '25:: 135
Data Science Techniques for Systems with a Sign Problem; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Casey Berger, 物理学和统计数据科学助理教授. 

[au:] [au:
NiCr-的横断透射电镜研究, TiCr- and CuNi-based Cermet Thin Films; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and research assistantship with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, 物理学高级讲师. 



Ana Duarte Montano 24', River Mallick 24:: 140
线虫多样性的纵向宏基因组研究, 患病率, and Load within the Southern Black Rhinoceros of the Southern Kalahari; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 和玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理.

Laura Dreher '25J, Callahan Day '26, Yuki Yang '27:: 141
Elucidating the Function of Novel Antifilarial Drug neurolenin D mesylate; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 和玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理.

CRISPR/Cas9 Nix Gene Knockout in Aedes albopictus; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理, 还有苏珊·海恩斯, 科研技术人员.

艾玛·阿古德洛(Emma Agudelo) 24岁,S. 怀特::143
Interrogating the Bacterial Gut Microbiota of Rhinoceroses in the Southern Kalahari; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授. 

海莉·内蒙德.S. 25岁,娜奥米·德·拉什穆特26岁:144岁
Black Rhinoceros Conservation through Genetic Diversity; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, Steven Williams的硕士项目, 生物科学教授, 和谭雅喇嘛, 生物科学助理教授.

Elucidating the Molecular Mechanisms of Punicalin on Brugia pahangi Mortality; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理, 还有苏珊·海恩斯, 科研技术人员.



Visualizing Fluorescent Fusion Protein Fate by Cell Cycle Induced Recombination; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Nathan Derr, 生物科学副教授.

哺乳动物-酵母动力蛋白嵌合体:设计, 建设, and Analysis; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 荣誉论文 with Nathan Derr, 生物科学副教授. 

Cachexia and Cytokine Signaling; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Stylianos Scordilis, 生物科学教授.

谢赫-巴诺·艾哈迈德,24岁, Kristine Le'25, stcheng Pang'24, Anya Zhao'25: 149
Protein Engineering for Targeted Therapy and Drug Delivery in Cancer; poster session deriving from AEMES research, 集中项目, 特殊的研究, 还有莎拉·摩尔的《澳门葡京博彩软件》, 工程副教授.

CRISPR-Cas9 Cactus Immunity Gene Knockout in Aedes albopictus Mosquito Cells; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理, 还有苏珊·海恩斯, 科研技术人员.

Electroporation-Mediated Transfection of L3 Brugia Malayi Parasites; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 玛丽·多尔蒂,  研究助理, 还有苏珊·海恩斯, 科研技术人员.

Immunity Gene Knockout of Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT (PIAS) in Aedes Albopictus Mosquitoes Using CRISPR-Cas9; poster session deriving from 荣誉论文 with Steven Williams, 生物科学教授, 玛丽·多尔蒂, 研究助理, 还有苏珊·海恩斯, 科研技术人员.



Avery Cook '24, Ruoxi Li '24, Corinn Richards '26: 155
Conversion of Tea Leaf Waste into Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in Menstrual Hygiene Product; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and honor thesis with Kevin Shea, 化学教授. 

Cobalt-Complexed Alkyne in Diels-Alder Reaction; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 步 with Kevin Shea, 化学教授.

阿夫顿·麦肯纳,25岁, Grace Su '25, 比利·怀特24岁, Lisbeth Arias, 24岁, 雷尔·丹尼尔,25岁, 艾莉森·杰克逊[25:157
Synthesizing Derivatives of Sesquiterpene Lactones Isolated from Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kevin Shea, 化学教授, 和史蒂文·威廉姆斯, 生物科学教授.

Emily Kish 24岁, 撒切尔·李24年, Faith Ndanu '25J, Bianca Figueroa, 25岁, 卡伦娜·柯林斯-汤普森[j]: 158
Synthesis and Characterization of Protein-Polymer Conjugates; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, 荣誉论文, 和玛伦·巴克一起冲浪, 化学副教授, 莎拉·摩尔, 工程副教授, 凯里·杜根, 化学博士后.

佐伊·古尔德25岁, 阿达·菲亚拉,27岁, 安娜贝尔·亨德里克森,24岁, Karen Bekhazi, 25岁, Karyme Medina Castillo, 26岁, 黑泽浪人26岁, 索菲亚·达纳尼,24岁, 斯特拉·霍普-格莱门兹26:159
Photopolymerization of Hydrogels for 应用程序 in Tissue Engineering; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Maren Buck, 化学副教授.

艾比·皮尔斯,24岁, Danny Joubran, 24岁, Pria Parker, 25岁, Nova Zhang’25, Hala Maloul, 26岁, 妮提亚·沙玛26::160
Chan-Evans-Lam Oxidative Alkylation; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究, 和戴夫·戈林一起完成论文, 化学副教授.

艾玛·惠特摩尔,24岁, 景怡诗'25, 朱洛25岁, 安娜-李·汤普森,25岁, 莫莉·克鲁威奇,26岁, Rachel Jiang '27: 161
Towards a DNA-Conjugated Palladium Enzyme Mimic; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 荣誉论文 with Dave Gorin, 化学副教授. 

Topography of Polymer Thin Films; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kate Queeney, 化学教授.

摩根·沃森(Morgan Watson) [25:16 3
Attaching Polymers to Aminosilane Monolayers; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Kate Queeney, 化学教授.

Controlled Hydrolysis of Polymer Films; poster session deriving from AEMES research, 特殊的研究, 还有凯特·奎尼的《澳门葡京博彩软件》, 化学教授.

Justine Wagaman '24, Hadley Johnston '26: 165
A Mechanism for Encapsulating and Releasing Therapeutic Payloads via DNA Origami Nanocarriers; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 and 荣誉论文 with Nathan Derr, 生物科学副教授.

夏洛特·柴,25岁, 丽贝卡·米尔斯24岁, Christine Cui, 25岁, 阿斯特丽德·约翰逊,26岁, 玛丽·科拉贝拉,25岁, 伊莎贝尔·安格斯26:166
Mutagenic DNA Lesions and Their Effect on DNA Stability; poster session deriving from 特殊的研究 with Elizabeth Jamieson, 化学教授, 克里斯蒂娜·苏亚雷斯, 化学教授.

步和First Gen Out Loud项目

尼尔森图书馆102:浏览室| 1:20-3:05.m. 

Emily Kung, 26岁
你相信你所看到的吗? Toward A Multidimensional Measure of Trust in Visualization; presentation deriving from 步 with Jordan Crouser, 计算机科学副教授, 和syine Matoussi, 计算机科学副研究员.

Sirohi Kumar, 26岁
Developing Collaborative Leaders: Group Projects as Spaces for Leadership Development in the Liberal Arts Classroom; presentation deriving from 步 with Erin Cohn, 沃特勒领导力中心主任. 

萨拉·埃利斯24岁, 弗林·兰伯特24年, Itzel Aleman Flores, 27岁, Dulce Ramirez, 25岁, Ana Duarte Montano '24, Sa'mya Wilson, 24岁, 金伯利·克鲁兹,24岁, 詹妮弗·塔皮亚·马丁内斯,27岁, 甄子琪26岁
First Gen Out Loud Projects; presentation deriving from First Gen Out Loud with Jessica Bacal, 反身实践主任, 和哈维尔·普恩特, 拉丁美洲和拉丁裔研究副教授.


Seelye 101馆|下午1:20-3:45.m.

Palestinian Poetry: Art of a Nation; presentation deriving from classwork and a 集中项目 with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授, 约翰·韦纳特, 中东研究讲师.

Spring in Japan: How Wordplay Blooms Through Song; presentation deriving from a 集中项目 with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授. 

Hannah Desrosiers, 24岁
The Ancient and The Eternal: Translating Saint-Exupéry's Least-Known Work; presentation deriving from classwork with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授. 

Translating Lost Voices: Urdu Poetry by Women in the 20th Century; presentation deriving from a 集中项目 with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授. 

Айланпа: Reflections on the Legacy of the Repressions in Soviet Kyrgyzstan; presentation deriving from a 集中项目 and 荣誉论文 with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授, 还有伊洛娜·索特尼科娃, 俄语讲师.

阿里亚·巴拉姆·博姆,AC '24
reclaiming lost [        ] through language; presentation deriving from a 集中项目 with Irhe Sohn, 韩国语言文学助理教授.  

Victor Hugo's Paris: Literary Cityscapes; presentation deriving from a 集中项目 with Reyes Lázaro, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授.  


Seelye展厅201 |下午1:20-3:45.m.

Selin Apaydın '24, Raley Long '25, Lucy O' brien '26
Visualizing the AHA; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with Joshua Birk, 历史学副教授. 

Medieval Miracles: Themes and Patterns; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with Joshua Birk, 历史学副教授.  

Transnational Adoptee Oral 历史 Project Archive: Continuing Legacies and Leaving Evidence; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with Darcy Buerkle, 历史学教授. 

跟随针:女性作为死亡的领航员, 哀悼, and Memory in the 19th Century; presentation deriving from 荣誉论文 with Ernest Benz, 历史学副教授.


Seelye 212馆|下午1:20-3:45.m.

2024年如何做一个男人:情感构造正在发生变化吗?; presentation deriving from classwork with Naila 更多的ira, 雅各布森中心新闻专业的联合主任兼写作指导.

为残疾青年服务, 家庭 Question “Self-Directed” State Program; presentation deriving from classwork with Naila 更多的ira, 雅各布森中心新闻专业的联合主任兼写作指导.

How TikTok is Pulling Back the Curtain for Aspiring Ballerinas; presentation deriving from classwork with Naila 更多的ira, 雅各布森中心新闻专业的联合主任兼写作指导.

Cultivating Resilience: Addressing the Mental 健康 Crisis in Agriculture; presentation deriving from classwork with Naila 更多的ira, 雅各布森中心新闻专业的联合主任兼写作指导.

Lenox Johnson MHC '25
酷儿与信仰的交集:审视宗教与信仰的关系 & LGBTQ+ Identity; presentation deriving from classwork with Naila 更多的ira, 雅各布森中心新闻专业的联合主任兼写作指导.

Max Fallon-Goodwin AC '24
There is No Press Freedom Without Ensuring the Safety of Women Reporters; presentation deriving from work with Ms. 杂志 和凯莉·贝克一起获得奎格利公共写作奖学金, 研究妇女和性别的教授.


卡恩文理学院| 2-3页.m.

保护(?) Children's Rights; presentation deriving from Kahn Institute project fellowship with Suzanne Gottschang, 人类学教授.

垃圾之河:浪费的不公正, 缓慢的暴力, and the Devaluation of Palestinian Life; presentation deriving from Kahn Institute project fellowship with Suzanne Gottschang, 人类学教授. 

Fear and the Family: Examining Human Rights Violations in Child Custody Cases; presentation deriving from Kahn Institute project fellowship with Suzanne Gottschang, 人类学教授, 劳伦·安德森, 卡恩研究所的宣传/传播和项目经理, 洛雷塔罗斯, 研究女性的副教授 & 性别,安德里亚·斯通,英语副教授 & 以及人权倡议主任嘉莉·卡斯伯特(Carrie Cuthbert).


Seelye Hall 106 |下午2:45-3:45.m.

舞蹈与激进想象:编舞, 表演, and the Transfer of Embodied Knowledge; presentation deriving from 荣誉论文 with Angie Hauser, 舞蹈教授.  

Learning from Trees: a Collaboration with Green Legacy Hiroshima; presentation deriving from research with Atsuko Takahashi, 东亚语言文化高级讲师.  

An Anthology of Brazilian Environmental Artwork; presentation deriving from research with Malcolm McNee, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语副教授.  

Lesbian Representation (or lack of) in Cuban Cinema; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with Maria Helena Rueda, 西班牙语和葡萄牙语教授. 


Seelye馆206 |下午2:45-3:45.m.

Jade Lee 24岁
计算机科学 at 澳门葡京博彩软件; presentation deriving from research at the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Special Collections with Jordan Crouser, 计算机科学副教授, 和凯特·朗, 尼尔森图书馆研究服务档案管理员.

Nubia Udoh 24届,Ian Wolter 24届,Gena Levin 25届
Exploring Dusty Star Forming Galaxies and their Gravitational Lenses; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with James Lowenthal, 天文学教授. 

ariisha Faiyas, 26岁
Riverine Urbanism in a Changing Planet: Exploring Life-Making with Turag River and its Wetland-Based Communities; presentation deriving from research with Efadul Huq, 环境科学与政策助理教授. 

春节, Tav and Tamar: Translating the Hebrew Bible from Biblical Hebrew; presentation deriving from 特殊的研究 with Joel Kaminsky, 宗教教授. 


Seelye展厅312 |下午2:45-3:45.m.

凯丽·拉罗斯,26岁, 摩根·菲泽,25岁, 萨米亚·威尔逊,25岁, Nicole Bamberger, Segura, 26岁, 鲁比·马斯特斯26岁, 沙里卡·谢拉,24岁,  凡妮莎·妮可·席尔瓦·布尔戈斯24岁, 维塔·邓肯,25岁, Yena Perice, 26岁, 艾玛·弗兰克24岁, 约瑟芬·诺伊曼26岁, 珍妮特·法洛蒂科,AC '25
澳门葡京博彩软件正义联盟 & Equity Projects; presentation deriving from 澳门葡京博彩软件正义联盟 & 南希·齐格勒的公平奖学金, 他是詹登社区参与中心项目和伙伴关系主任, 和丹尼斯糖果, 汉娜·盖茨, 阿里阿斯利, 玛德琳DelVicario, 秋天Guntor, 詹登社区参与中心.


Seelye 311馆|下午2:45-4.m.

Sydney Jacobs 24年
Carbon Taxes and Renewable Energy Transition: An Empirical Analysis of European Policies and Implications; presentation deriving from classwork and 集中项目 with Gillian Brunet, 经济学助理教授, 和罗辛·奥沙利文, 经济学教授.

Chi Qiu’24
Differential Effects of the Dodd-Frank Act on 社区 Banks of Different Sizes and Its Implications for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the United States; presentation deriving from 集中项目 with Gillian Brunet, 经济学助理教授.  

曹少彤(Lisa) 24
资产管理转型:影响, 应用程序, and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence; presentation deriving from classwork and 集中项目 with Mahnaz Mahdavi, 经济学教授.  

Tiffany Lin’24
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Markets; presentation deriving from classwork and 集中项目 with Mahnaz Mahdavi, 经济学教授, 詹姆斯·米勒, 经济学教授.

Ana Perez, 24岁
外国直接投资对气候条件有反应吗? Using country level panel data to explore whether FDI inflows change in response to changing SPEI levels over time; presentation deriving from 集中项目 with Susan Sayre, 经济学教授.



Chapin Lawn | 5-6 p.m.
在下午5:15.m., 迈克尔·瑟斯顿, 教务长兼院长, 将在澳门葡京博彩软件发表演讲,庆祝师生合作.


要获得奖励,参与者需要完成上面链接的表格的三个部分. SWAG房间的开放时间是下午1点到5点.m. 在楼上 茱莉亚·麦克威廉姆斯孩子34年校园中心.

由教务长办公室与资讯科技署(ITS)合办, 庆祝合作是一个项目 学术优先次序委员会 (帽). 如果您对本次活动有任何疑问,请发电子邮件 collabs@ivantseng.com.
