

在你工作的头几个星期, it’s important to have all the information you need to start off on the right foot. 以下是一些常见问题的答案. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at hr@ivantseng.com.





检查你申请职位时使用的电子邮件账户 for an email asking you to sign your formal employment agreement digitally using DocuSign. You’ll receive a copy of the agreement to the email you used to apply for the position.


  • 你会收到一封电子邮件 准确背景有限责任公司 来完善你的背景资料. 请确保检查你的垃圾和垃圾邮件文件夹. 您将需要创建一个登录 准确背景有限责任公司 填写所需信息. 请不要上传任何表格到 准确背景有限责任公司 系统.
  • 和人力资源部预约完成你的I-9表格. These forms must be verified in person or scanned to us with a valid notary signature. 你可以 网上预约.
  • Complete the I-9 form in 工作日 (see steps below to get access to 工作日). Make sure you have valid, original ID documents for completing your I-9. You will not be able to enroll in your benefits until this task is complete. (请参阅有效的I-9文件列表.)

工作日 & Smith电子邮件帐户设置

  • 检查你申请职位时使用的电子邮件账户. You’ll have received a temporary password to 登录工作日 as a pre-hire employee.
  • 使用您的临时密码, 登录工作日 并完成个人信息任务. 一旦您在工作日完成您的个人信息, you’ll be asked to complete your full 工作日 和 Smith email account.
  • Look out for an email that confirms that your new 澳门葡京博彩软件 account has been created; the email will have your username (first initial 和 last name) 和 temporary password to set up your Smith email account. You will be asked to 改变 the password to a 14-character password with uppercase, 小写字母, 一个数字和一个特殊字符. 您将被重定向到Smith Login屏幕. 输入您的用户名和新密码. 按照提示操作.
  • 您需要下载 两人移动 用你的手机. 这将允许安全访问您的澳门葡京博彩软件电子邮件. Keep a close eye on your 工作日 inbox as there will be multiple sets of tasks that need to be completed. For more information on tasks, please go to the 工作日帮助网站.


  • 开始
    As you start your employment with Smith you will want to ensure that all of your personal information, 比如社会保险号, 直接存款, address, 联系方式, 在工作日了解最新情况. If any of this data is incorrect or missing, it may prevent you from enrolling in benefits. 如果你需要帮助,请 工作日帮助网站 有没有工作辅助工具一步一步地指导你完成这个过程.
  • 工资和税务信息在工作日
    Payroll at Smith is processed on a biweekly basis for 26 pay periods a year. Payroll payments will be issued via 直接存款 every other Friday. 每年工资办公室都会出版一份工资的日历 这样你就知道什么时候能拿到工资了. 所有员工都需要直接存入工资资金. 您可以添加您的 直接存款信息 然后填写你的 联邦状态 工作日的预扣税表格.  On pay dates, your pay is deposited to the financial institution(s) you designate.   
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件残疾员工
    澳门葡京博彩软件 strives to promote a disability positive 和 inclusive climate at Smith that recognizes each person’s identity 和 values the diverse perspectives that contribute to a multicultural living 和 learning environment. 要申请住宿,你必须填写一份 合理住宿申请表. Employees are welcome to use the Accessibility Resource Center to confidentially explore their concerns 和 discuss accommodations.


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 OneCard is a multi-purpose photo ID card issued to eligible Smith community members. 除了表明你在澳门葡京博彩软件的地位, 你的一卡可以使用各种校园服务, 包括:

  • 图书馆流通
  • 门的访问
  • 健身房和网球场*

*健身房访问仅限于活动 benefit-eligible员工 (教职员工)的定义见 员工手册.

注意: 子公司, 临时工, 和 other employees who are non-benefit-eligible are not eligible for athletics facility access.

你可以通过发邮件的方式获得澳门葡京博彩软件信用卡 ithelp@ivantseng.com 约个时间去接一个.


  • 检查 澳门葡京博彩软件在线目录 看看你的名字和资料是否在名单上. Your employment information must be downloaded from 工作日 before your OneCard can be issued, which may take 2-3 business days after HR receives your paperwork. If you are listed on the directory, your data will have also downloaded to the OneCard system. 
  • 一卡通不会在你的工作开始日期之前发出. 


澳门葡京博彩软件 offers a robust suite of benefit programs designed to support employees’ health 和 welfare, 金融健康, 以及社交和情感健康,无论是在职业生涯早期, 在职业生涯中期或接近退休时. 如果你的职位符合福利条件, benefits generally begin on your start date 和 end on your termination date.

请访问澳门葡京博彩软件 好处页面 回顾有用的信息,包括:

  • 好处指南
  • 率表
  • 概述 information including summary documents outlining benefits 和 coverage
  • 每个福利供应商的联系信息

请注意: 新员工登记数据每周发送给福利供应商. It takes at least two weeks to receive your member ID card(s) in the mail. If you have questions above coverage 和/or your member ID card(s), 请拨打下面相应的客户服务电话.

  • 蓝十字蓝盾 健康保险:800-782-3675
  • OptumRx 处方保险:888-374-8127
  • 三角洲牙: 800-872-0500
  • EyeMed 视力保险:866-939-3633
  • 卫生公平 健康储蓄帐户:866-346-5800

澳门葡京博彩软件 offers a competitive retirement plan that includes a fully-funded employer contribution plus employees can make voluntary pre-tax 和/or Roth contributions via payroll deduction beginning as soon as their start date. 员工可能会开始, 改变, or stop their voluntary contributions at any time through 工作日’s 好处 app.

适用于符合以下资格标准的雇员, 澳门葡京博彩软件 contributes 9% of eligible earnings up to an integration level, 和13.3% of earnings above the integration level, to an eligible employee’s retirement account. Employees are not required to make any matching contribution to receive the employer contribution. The College’s contributions to the retirement account are fully vested beginning with the first contribution.

To be eligible for employer retirement contributions paid by 澳门葡京博彩软件, an employee must:

  • 年满21岁(2023年1月1日起)
  • 在澳门葡京博彩软件服务过一年吗
  • Have 910 hours worked in their anniversary year or a subsequent calendar year

You are encouraged to designate beneficiaries for all accounts with a potential monetary benefit (e.g. 人寿保险、退休帐户、健康储蓄帐户). 受益人 for life insurance are designated 和 maintained in 工作日. 对于退休计划, you may call Voya Financial at 800-584-6001 once your Voya account has been established. 健康Equity will record your beneficiary designation for your 健康 Savings Account (HSA).