
按专业领域分组, 职业社区充满活力, knowledge-sharing spaces for students exploring potential career paths. These six communities offer student-centered cohorts as well as curated resources, 机会和项目. 和你的同伴一起, 你将与职业专家交流, 学术部门, 校友, 雇主, 行业专家.


职业社区是有形的, 虚拟, 和 intellectual gathering spaces grouped by professional interests. 在这六组中, 学生之间相互联系, 他们的职业专家, 以及行业专业人士, 包括校友! They are a place for students to learn 和 share knowledge, resources, 和 opportunities. 

To learn about upcoming events 和 opportunities, you can 注册特定社区的电子邮件所有 欢迎大家参加 任何 职业社区活动.

学生 can participate in as m任何 career communities as they want, 和 can engage with each community as much or as little as they choose. Your career goals might change during your time at Smith, 和 we encourage you to explore a variety of professional areas.



Smith Career Connect is where students 和 校友 come together to talk about careers. 你可以扩大你的关系网, 接受量身定制的指导, 和 browse job listings by 校友 who can help you secure the role—all in one place.

这个平台是 独家 给澳门葡京博彩软件社区. 这是一个内置的澳门葡京博彩软件校友网络, 工作人员, 和 faculty who are eager to help you navigate the next stage in your career, whether you’re still exploring what path is right for you or need help making connections in the industry of your choice.


访问 Smith Career Connect 在网上建立你的个人资料. 在平台内,您可以:

  • 根据你的兴趣加入一个小组. 例如, each of our 职业社区 hosts an active space where students can ask questions, 分享的建议, 访问资源.
  • 查看真实的招聘启事  校友 who have worked at that organization 和/or held the same job title. They can potentially help you put together the perfect application.
  • 轻松安排与校友的会议.

网络 is a private alum directory 和 communication tool for Smith 校友 和 students. The primary purpose is to support 校友 connecting with other 校友 和 students connecting with 校友. 网络 is accessible via the Smith website 和 is also available as a downloadable app via the 苹果应用商店 or Google Play商店.



Once you’re logged into the Network 和 have updated your profile, 你可以从输入关键字开始. It can be a name, part of a name, a year, a location, an employer, etc. This will generate a list of categories that the keyword can be applied against. 点击分类. Additional search terms can be added to further filter a list. 

一旦你找到了你想要联系的人, you can send them a direct message within the platform!


By some estimates, nearly 80% of opportunities are found through 网络ing. Building a 网络 of professional relationships is best started 之前 你在寻找机会, 甚至从你的第一年开始, 并将贯穿整个澳门葡京博彩软件和校友生涯.

While it’s not appropriate to ask a 网络ing contact for a job, internship, or housing, by connecting with people in your field of interest you can:

  • Hear advice on getting started 和 advancing in a field
  • Learn about career-specific resources 和 get the names of others to talk to
  • 在机会发布之前找出它们


Informational interviews—one-on-one conversations with people whose careers interest you—are a great tool to start building both your career knowledge  你的网络.

网络工作! You’ll discover most people like talking about themselves 和 their career paths 和 offering advice to those starting out.


研讨会 & 视频

拉撒路中心工作坊 on 网络ing are offered throughout the semester 和 interterm.

LinkedIn 是世界上最大的专业社交网站吗. Join the 澳门葡京博彩软件 LinkedIn group 和 groups for your field of interest. 学生领英 features videos 和 quick tip sheets to help you create a great profile, 找实习和工作, 建立你的LinkedIn关系网.

女校友联系 & 招聘信息

七姐妹校友会—The first 和 only place for Seven Sisters alumnae 和 students to connect, 网络, 建立一个社区.